The following is a list of all classes currently offered by ZeroPoint Training. If you have a request to see one of these classes added to the calendar, or would like to host one of these courses, please reach out to
LEVEL 1 - All level 1 classes are a single-day experience and specifically geared toward new students taking their first class, or those looking to “recalibrate” their core skills. Classes offered are:
ZeroPoint Pistol 1
ZeroPoint Carbine 1
ZeroPoint Shotgun 1
All ZeroPoint radio classes are single-day experiences with a split of both classroom lectures and simulated practical exercises. Classes offered are:
ZeroPoint Radio 1 - Basic usage of handheld VHF/UHF radios
ZeroPoint Radio 2 - Comms planning and repeater usage
All ZeroPoint outdoor classes are a single-day experience. Classes offered are:
ZeroPoint GPS 1 - The ins and outs of using a handheld Garmin GPS
ZeroPoint LandNav 1 - Usage of map, compass, and the USNG/UTM grid system